Fedora 9 to Fedora 10 upgrade

This post was written by matt on December 7, 2008
Posted Under: Linux

This occurred when upgrading from Fedora 8 to 9, and again upgrading to 10 – grub seems to get mangled.  I had to boot from the rescue disk and fix it as follows:

chroot /mnt/sysimage
root (hd0,0)
setup (hd0)

After getting this working, I found that I still had several hundred Fedora-9 packages that had not been upgraded to Fedora 10.  I’ve had trouble in the past trying to depend on YUM to handle large numbers of updates, so it took me several days to update in blocks of 50-100 packages. Running ‘rpm -qa | grep “fc[2-9]” |wc’ tells me I still have 322 outdated packages installed, mostly fc9, but some go back to fc7.

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