Fedora 10 to 11 upgrade

This post was written by matt on July 5, 2009
Posted Under: Linux

I’m a long time Linux fan, and many things have improved since the early days, but upgrades are still much more difficult than they should be.  After what anaconda thought it was done, grub stopped at the “grub>” prompt.  Fixing this required booting off the DVD in rescue mode and running

“grub-install /dev/sda”

Now I could boot and log into a console, but X wouldn’t start.  Fixing this required running:

yum clean all
yum update

This downloaded and installed another 1.6GB of updates.  After re-booting, attempting to log in resulted in “Could not open session bus: message … org.freedesktop.DBUS … blocked by selinux” (I’m paraphrasing because I didn’t write down the entire paragraph).  I had to log in remotely to change the selinux policy to “disabled”.   This problem appears to be the same as . This dbus issue makes selinux=permissive pretty useless.