Rest in peace Gidget 5/28/2001-1/4/2012

This post was written by matt on January 6, 2012
Posted Under: Random Musings,Uncategorized

We had to put Gidget to sleep about 8:25 AM on Wednesday, January 4th. What a horribly rough decision and week, but she suffered enough and her organs were shutting down. We’ve cried a lot, now we’re remembering all the good times with her. She so loved to play in the snow. We have great photos of her playing in the snow and on the frozen pond. How she loved to try to chase the squirrels away from the bird feeder. Playing ball with her in the yard… She was such a sweetheart, she loved everybody, and smart too. She knew how to sit, lay down, beg (oh how she loved to beg for popcorn!), stand on her hind legs, walk on her hind legs, spin, shake, and “high-5”. Gidget playing in the snow

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