Fedora 19 kernel 3.11 NVidia 325 problem with NVidia 8200

This post was written by matt on October 6, 2013
Posted Under: Linux

My main computer is based on a ASUS M3N78-VM motherboard with a built-in NVidia GeForce 8200 GPU.  After letting Fedora 19 upgrade to the latest kernel and corresponding NVidia drivers (via akmod), the display went crazy a few seconds after logging in, and then the system would lock up completely.  Fortunately I wasn’t the first to encounter this problem, the solution is simple enough, as outlined in the thread below:


Simply add this line (as root) to /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf (or create this file if it is missing):

options nvidia NVreg_EnableMSI=0

Now the frustrating part is why should the drivers now default to enable this feature, if it is known to cause such major problems?  I’m sure it accelerates the graphics on many of the newest GPU’s, but the 8200 isn’t that terribly old.

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