Fedora 17 -> Fedora 19 upgrade

This post was written by matt on July 7, 2013
Posted Under: Linux

Somehow I neglected to upgrade to Fedora 18, which likely made the transition to Fedora 19 more complex, or simply delayed and multiplied the required changes.  In general, “FedUp” works well.  However, somehow the NVidia video drivers always create problems.  This was exacerbated by having some ubuntu versions of the gnome-desktop in fc17.  I ended up un-installing most of gnome and also the kmod-nvidia drivers and re-installing them to clear up a few things.  Thus far, the only desktop that works for me is cinnamon, gnome-classic and kde both abort.

Also, several modules were missing from httpd:

yum install mod_ldap mod_authnz_external pwauth

thus far, I haven’t found mod_disk_cache, mod_authz_default, mod_authn_default, or mod_authn_alias.

The right way to do this is swap in the new/etc/httpd/conf/ httpd.conf.rpmnew in place of httpd.conf, and map in any important settings as needed.

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