Nook Color – Phiremod, now android 4.1.2

My father’s day gift (to myself) was a Barnes and Noble Nook Color, which I almost immediately rooted to run a href=”” title=”Phiremod” target=”_blank”Phiremod/a 6.3. This worked very well after learning that it is necessary to use a USB adapter to write the special boot code to the micro-SDCard. This weekend I updated this to […]

Viewsonic GTablet

Following is the best post I’ve found explaining how to make the Viewsonic GTablet useful: I managed to get market working without installing any alternative ROMs after many, many attempts. Overall, this seems to be a very usable product, once properly tweaked. The viewing angle on the display is a little bit odd, and […]

Archos 5 IT vs. Palm T|X

Lately I’ve been looking for a more technically up-to-date PDA device to replace my Palm T|X to use for on my frequent air travel.  The Archos 5 IT is the hardware platform direction Palm should have taken instead of dropping the PDA market for the “smart” phone market, and locking into Verizon in the process.  […]

Failed 2701HG-B power supply

The “wall-wort” AC adapter on my 2-wire 2701HG-B AT&T DSL modem/router died after roughly 2 years. This was protected by a decent UPS, and a whole-house surge protector, so I don’t think lightning was an issue. AT&T was no help, they insisted the only option was to purchase a complete new gateway for $100 and […]

Congratulations Mason Sale Mitchell Indiana High School Class of 2009!